This is a journal of what is happening in my life, things I want to do, places I want to visit or have just visited, new and old experiences/adventures, people I have met and who have made a difference in my life, thoughts, ideas and dreams.
My struggles, disappointments, failures and successes. This is my world, my life and you're welcome to share it.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Winter is back, with a vengeance.....

Yes, winter is back and it is nasty. The forecast tomorrow is -28 with a wind chill of -38. It was cold today and I did not have my plug in cord out and when I came home, I had to get it out. I had my stall neighbour help me as we both drive Hyundai Tucson.

Finally we found it and I am ready and can plug it when I get to work tomorrow morning. It will be cold this week and maybe warm up just a bit next week.

I am thinking of just taking the transit for the time being but I will see how I feel by tomorrow morning.

My cell phone contract is up and I want to get a new phone and I am debating between the IPhone 4S or the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. I know most would say get the IPhone but I am not sure. There are some nice features in the Galaxy phone and one lady at work told me to get IPhone.

Do you have IPhone? And are you happy with it?

Maybe Fido will give me a good deal with the Galaxy.

1 comment:

  1. i'm going to geek out for a bit ok?

    while the iPhone is a great device, the only thing that irks me is the fact that you're chained to iTunes so basically when you transfer anything on your phone, you can't get it off without hooking backup to iTunes. pics, music.. anything! iTunes also has proprietary format so you can't take a simple mp3 from your phone and give it your friend who happens to have a different phone.

    the galaxy nexus is also a good phone from an OS perspective - it's sexy, the widgets are great and if you want, you can root it and get superuser access which gives you so much more flexibility to do a lot with the phone. however, the only reason why i didn't get this (and i was so close to it) was because of 2 big things that totally turned me off:

    1) the camera isn't as good (only 5mega pixels)
    2) no USB mass storage mode (!!) which basically allows you to mount your phone as a hard drive to any computer and transfer files easily (sort of like a USB key)

    there's also no expansion slot but i can live with that. also, the speaker sound is tinny and low.

    so if you're flipping between the iPhone and the Nexus, i'd go with the iPhone... unless you want a totally awesome phone which is the galaxy s2 :)
