This is a journal of what is happening in my life, things I want to do, places I want to visit or have just visited, new and old experiences/adventures, people I have met and who have made a difference in my life, thoughts, ideas and dreams.
My struggles, disappointments, failures and successes. This is my world, my life and you're welcome to share it.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

I'm definitely back.l can't promise I will blog all the time but I will post when I'm in the mood. I'm well and I believe close to full recovery (knock on wood).

I would like to thank again everyone...sister, cousins and nieces, friends and officemates  for all the help, support, kindness and encouragement during my illness.

Now I'm on an exciting new adventure, not the travel kind. Life adventure, it could be a roller coaster ride with its up and downs. I feel, believe and confident it would be a wonderful trip. I'm praying it will be successful in the end. I will probably post part of it but there will be no pictures, maybe in the end part

So RR let's go. You were kind and brave enough to join me. I'm glad for the complete and unending support and encouragement. Wish me luck.