This is a journal of what is happening in my life, things I want to do, places I want to visit or have just visited, new and old experiences/adventures, people I have met and who have made a difference in my life, thoughts, ideas and dreams.
My struggles, disappointments, failures and successes. This is my world, my life and you're welcome to share it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Winter has come.....

To me it is official, winter is here. Yesterday afternoon we got a substantial amount of snow. It was chaotic driving home. It would have been a lot faster if I had walked.

At least drivers were cautious but still the traffic was awful. It is the first dumping of snow and I have not changed into my winter tires yet. I need to get on it soon.

Now my dilemma, drive, walk or take the transit. I must admit I did like just taking the bus but that was because I had my eye surgeries last winter and it was safer for me to take the bus and walk on my way home which I quite enjoyed. Maybe it will help me lose a few more pounds.

This morning I am debating whether to drive or walk to work. I will see in a few minutes.

Anyway, I hate snow. It does not matter how cold it is, as long as there is no snow. Maybe I should be planning to retire in a warmer climate. But where????

1 comment:

  1. Wherever it is, try not to be in Florida. Unless you like "windy" days hehehe. Remember what the ole stand up comic said, it's not that the wind is blowing (hurricane), it's WHAT the
    wind is blowing!
