This is a journal of what is happening in my life, things I want to do, places I want to visit or have just visited, new and old experiences/adventures, people I have met and who have made a difference in my life, thoughts, ideas and dreams.
My struggles, disappointments, failures and successes. This is my world, my life and you're welcome to share it.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Shopping till I dropped.....

Well, I came to visit my sister and I have had the best time so far. Second, I had started shopping but I only brought one big luggage and it is now full and I no space left for anymore. Next time, if there is a next time, I will have one luggage just for shoes/boots.

I hope I can still be able to lift my luggage but that will be only when I take it off the carousel. It had been fun and I will now enjoy the rest of the time visiting.

Sad to hear that we have relatives who spent Christmas day in the hospital. I hope they will be out to spend the New Year home with their families. 

Thanks to my BIL, as my sister would say, who took me shopping and even found a very nice pair of boots while we were at Kohl's. He also found a pair of jeggings we thought were priced ok but got a lecture from my sister that we paid too much.

Also, I have a new method of buying boots. I don't look around for the type or design I like, I first look for my size and then open the box and hope it is the pair I am looking for. My sister's MIL found me the other pair of boots. 

Next time I will take pics of my stash and I know I have had a good deal. Now my New Year's resolution is to finally lose the last few pounds and hopefully my doctor will take me off the medication. Another, would be to stop shopping....I know, I know, how many pairs of shoes does a person need?

If I don't get another chance to blog....I wish all of you a Happy New Year.....and may it be a start of something good. 

1 comment:

  1. I hope you will be posting photos of all the boots/shoes you bought.
