This is a journal of what is happening in my life, things I want to do, places I want to visit or have just visited, new and old experiences/adventures, people I have met and who have made a difference in my life, thoughts, ideas and dreams.
My struggles, disappointments, failures and successes. This is my world, my life and you're welcome to share it.

Friday, August 26, 2011

A milestone.......would have been....

Thirty years ago today, in the late afternoon I got a call from my sister telling me that they will be dropping off my niece, Alysia at my place. She was going to the hospital as she thought it was time and the baby will come soon.

Three or four hours later I again got a call and she said she had the baby and it was a boy. I thought she was joking so I said why are you the one calling. She said she was being wheeled to her room and passed by the nursing station so she asked if she could use the phone. Gosh, no cell phone then!!!

I asked her what she named him....Gino Aldin. I remembered we drove to the hospital just to see Gino. We brought his big sister with us.

From then on, I helped with babysitting after my sister went back to work. I enjoyed it but three years later they had moved to Whitehorse. Once or twice I visited and babysat the kids when the parents went on a holiday to Hawaii. I was only staying for 3 weeks and ended up staying 3 months and on my way back to Yellowknife, I brought with me Gino and Alysia to visit grandparents.

When they moved to Toronto, we did not see a lot of each other although we got a chance to visit a few times. I think I have missed his teenage years, which is also the time of the break up of his parents marriage. I believe that was also the lost years in a sort of way with his relationship with his sister.

I have not seen such a very close relationship between siblings. When they became adults, they were closer than ever. I have been lucky to have spent such a close relationship with him when I stayed with them 5r years ago. A Christmas and New Year that was memorable. And I also have the honor of having been asked if I wanted to go with him on a holiday to the UK but had to decline because of my health at that time. This has been a big regret of mine.

Today, he would have been 30 years old and I wonder what could have been. I guess we would always wonder. His sister had posted stuff of what he would have been or what he liked or get, with all the technology now.  What musical group he would like? Would he be in a relationship? Would he be thinking of marriage and children? Would he have kept his business? I guess there would be lots of questions but we all know, there would be no answers.

Being 30 is a big milestone and he was gone too soon. Although we miss him a lot, I am quite happy that I have wonderful memories of his laughter, his jokes, his off key singing, his cooking sometimes and some of quirky things about him.

Wherever you are, please know that you have been loved by your family, relatives and friends.

Happy Birthday, Gino!!

My favorite picture of him

He grew up to be a really good and decent human being. This is how I would always remember him.

This was one of three songs played at his funeral service.

1 comment:

  1. It's way too painful to comment but I love this post. We will just talk when you get home.
