This is a journal of what is happening in my life, things I want to do, places I want to visit or have just visited, new and old experiences/adventures, people I have met and who have made a difference in my life, thoughts, ideas and dreams.
My struggles, disappointments, failures and successes. This is my world, my life and you're welcome to share it.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Snow, snow, snow and more snow

They are fluffy, pristine white and looks cute but I hate it. The flakes started coming down lunch time on Friday and has never stopped. So I have been house bound and I had wanted to wash my vehicle as it has been in the parkade for weeks and just dusty. It was a bit embarassing. I drove to work since I had a medical appointment on Friday and I think when I brushed off the snow, I brushed off all the dust with it as well.

Now the forecast is for colder weather for the rest of the month. This is the time when I seriously think of moving where it is warm. But then I get to thinking that in about two months it will be over and then spring is upon us. I just have to be positive. Not having driven for weeks, I never had the chance to have my winter tires installed, guess there is no point in having it done now for just two months. At least I saved a bit of money.

I am just looking out through my patio door and now feel depressed.....just too white and cold!!! Does anyone really like this kind of weather?

 View from the 23rd floor, lots of snow and below is my balcony with all white stuff!!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't relate, We live in Sunny San Jose, California and we don't get snow here.
