This is a journal of what is happening in my life, things I want to do, places I want to visit or have just visited, new and old experiences/adventures, people I have met and who have made a difference in my life, thoughts, ideas and dreams.
My struggles, disappointments, failures and successes. This is my world, my life and you're welcome to share it.

Friday, October 22, 2010

A potpourri of thoughts

 First of all, if you have been reading my blog and found it was screwed up for the last 3 days, I apologize. I really don't know what happened. I was just doing some editing and oooooooops there was miles(seems like) of space between my header and my post. First one I emailed was my niece as she has been blogging for years but she was too busy at work. So I called my brother-in-law and sister and somehow he was able to repair it. So, thanks a lot to you both.

Wednesday was my birthday and when I started this, I posted something about my birthday and this year it was weird. I thought everyone was ganging up on me. I did not get any birthday wishes until later in the afternoon. So, Leesh, you were not the last, in fact you were the first.

The era of having to wake up to a text of Happy Birthday from an ocean away is now over. Maybe the friendship as well, and to everyone who greeted me....thanks for remembering.
While on the subject of friendship, while having a discussion about it at work, I thought of when does one become a friend and what is the process of going from an acquiantance to being a friend. Does having same interest, hobbies or likes or dislikes make one a friend? How long is this process? I was with someone and had dinner with some of my relatives and I introduced her as an office mate and when we wereout of the restaurants she said " I would rather have been introduced as friend."
 To me, I believe it is a slow process and it involves sincerity, being comfortable with each other, honesty, and somehow it comes naturally without even trying. As a friend said I am being philosophical about it. But it is something that is interesting to me. She even said that even if we do not talk for a year or not have seen each other for that long, that nothing would have changed and it will be like we just talked the day before.

And I also believe, like that saying that friends come for a reason, season or a lifetime ,maybe to be there to teach us a lesson, or learn a lesson, help us when we are in need......can't remember the rest of it. So to everyone else, what has been your experience?

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