This is a journal of what is happening in my life, things I want to do, places I want to visit or have just visited, new and old experiences/adventures, people I have met and who have made a difference in my life, thoughts, ideas and dreams.
My struggles, disappointments, failures and successes. This is my world, my life and you're welcome to share it.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hot dogs, hot dogs and more hot dogs.....

The past week was barbeque week for our tenants at work. This event was organized by another staff who resigned 4 weeks ago and I had to take over.

It was not bad since the planning was already done and I just have to make sure it went smoothly. Tickets were delivered to each office and the stuff ordered. Thank God it was being catered.

The catering company did a good job. We had to do three buildings and the number was 155 in one building, 300 in another and 700 for the other. The tent was nice and there were tables and chairs for people to enjoy eating outside. although one day we were caught by thunder showers forecasted for the afternoon and I was drenched.

The jumbo dogs were good and the buns were made that day so really fresh.

We had to serve it at lunch, and for some reason, some people complained they did not get tickets, 20 minutes before we were to start serving. Of course we ordered extras but just the same, the notice was put up by the elevators and if you did not have tickets, would you not contact and request before the day of the event?

As it is downtown, there would be all kinds of people trying to get free meals, and sure enough they have all kinds of explanation. They forgot their tickets was the popular one. One said he works in the building and when asked which company, looked up at the name of the building and said it, another old lady asked if it was help yourself and we knew exactly she was not from the building but accommodated her.

So after the first two days, I could not even look at a hot dog, let alone eat one. I appreciate the catering company prepare us Angus beef burger the last day.

I feel like it would be another year before I  could eat another hot dog. As usual pictures later. somebody else took the pictures. Or maybe I should just say, images coming soon.

Enjoy the weekend.

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