This is a journal of what is happening in my life, things I want to do, places I want to visit or have just visited, new and old experiences/adventures, people I have met and who have made a difference in my life, thoughts, ideas and dreams.
My struggles, disappointments, failures and successes. This is my world, my life and you're welcome to share it.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I am back.....

I know it had been a while since I posted. I have been busy and was running out of creative juice. Hopefully, I will have some interesting posts.

The weather has been nasty and it is April and it is still cold. I have had a few exciting experiences. I had been called to a medical emergency and was able to help our day porter. He is new in the country and has no relatives. I drove him to the hospital and stayed with him until he was admitted. I still check his blood pressure every day.

On a sad note, a friend of mine who also lived in the building was found dead in her suite by her daughter. I did not learn about it until two weeks later. I am sad that I was not able to attend her funeral. Rest in peace. I will miss you.

On a happy note, I am going on a well deserved vacation with a good friend of mine. I am looking forward to it.

Thanks for stopping by.

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